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Evan Ladd

Evan Ladd

Capital One

Career Roadmap

Evan's work combines: Law, Business, and Problem Solving

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Day In The Life

Director, Assistant General Counsel

I give advice to our company regarding legal and compliant debt collection.

Skills & Education

Here's the path I took:

  • High School

    Sanger High School

  • Bachelor's Degree

    Human Development and Family Studies, General

    University of California-San Diego

  • Graduate Degree


    University of Richmond

Here's the path I recommend for someone who wants to be a Lawyers:

High School

Bachelor's Degree: Human Development and Family Studies, General

Graduate Degree: Law

Learn more about different paths to this career

Life & Career Milestones

My path in life took a while to figure out

  • 1.

    I studied abroad in college, which was scary and made me miss home, but so worth it.

  • 2.

    I moved to Washington, D.C. a few months after college by myself.

  • 3.

    Applied to law schools on both coasts, choosing the East coast because the school was a perfect fit.

  • 4.

    Applied for jobs and roles I didn't think I would get to challenge myself. I ended up getting them.

  • 5.

    Left a really good paying job where I was valued because I only ever had time to work.

  • 6.

    Moved back west with my family and had the guts to ask if I could work from home, which I now do.

Defining Moments

How I responded to discouragement


    Messages from Society in general:

    D.C. is far away and you'll be living by yourself. Are you sure you will be ok with that?

  • How I responded:

    Life is about living and if you have the opportunity to do something new then by all accounts it is a great step up. If the only thing holding you back is that you're scared because you'll be doing it alone, realize that you need to put yourself out there. You will never know unless you try.